Healing | Coaching | Meditation Services
Awaken with Natalie

Rock from Your Heart
Natalie's Experience
I often joke that my entire spiritual awakening can be summed up as "one wild purification process." As a longtime previous student & teacher of A Course in Miracles, one of my favorite lines are "miracles are everyone's right, but purification is necessary first." And this looks different for everyone, for we are all on "highly individualized curriculums." The pain & trauma from my childhood & early adulthood was alchemized into POWER - as it forced me to become hypervigilant & intuitive at a very young age. I knew I was different than those around me because I could always read between lines & pick up on energies that others couldn't. I also started lucid dreaming & doing healing work in my dreams as a child. Being raised by a devout Catholic mother & grandmother gave me a strong faith based foundation, but it wasn't until my mother gave me "The Power is Within You," by the guru of self-help, Louise Hay, at age 19, that I was forever changed. I knew I wanted more of this wild world of metaphysics & self-healing. But I had yet to fully grasp & have access to all the repressed pain & buried, unprocessed traumas lurking in my subconscious layers. I had MANY adaptations & coping mechanisms still blocking my light. Fast forward to my mid to late 20's, when I was all about the positive thinking, love & light aspect of spirituality for YEARS - when I hit my ceiling on my healing & wondered why I was still continuing to play out the same patterns & addictions for so long. At that point, I found yoga & meditation - which got the energy moving & opened me up in new ways, but I knew I was still missing soooo much that still needed healing within me. It wasn't until I discovered TRUE emotional healing, inner child work, energy healing, shadow work, sexual healing, self-love work, & sobriety that I starting experiencing LASTING healing & profound "shifts" in consciousness. Getting my Yoga Teacher Certification in 2018 & being initiated into the most advanced form of Pranayama deep breathwork meditation on the planet with a Himalayan Indian Swami in 2019 was when my chakras got blown wide open, & I believe is when my MASSIVE awakening really started. The big game changer was staying consistent in working with my own healers/teachers/guides & showing up for myself with my daily spiritual disciplines & healing processes. I believe that once the flame is lit deep within your soul, it is hard to go back to your old ways of being & navigating the world, as it will get increasingly painful the more "awakened" you become. " We ALL have a higher calling on our lives & the world needs your light now more than ever! Now in 2023 - I have recalibrated, transformed, purified, healed almost every single aspect of my life & I make it a conscious effort to be a living embodiment of everything I teach & preach. I still do "the work" & never give up on myself when old shadows "come up for review." But as I always tell my clients - it takes deep, humbling WORK, dedication, consistency, & repetition - as our ego minds & faulty programming want to keep us stuck "living below the veil of consciousness" & playing small. If you are tired of the Groundhog Day nonsense, self-sabotaging behaviors, unhealthy patterns, being a "fan" in everyone else's show, & letting your buried, unconscious pain run your life - please reach out & let me teach you what healing tools worked for me & that you really CAN have it all. If all we do is simply treat the "symptoms" of a problem & don't address it's emotional/spiritual root cause, the symptoms will simply morph & reappear in different people we meet/patterns/addictions/body symptoms until we FULLY process & heal the original wounds. So when we play & heal together - we go DEEP, & we don't stop excavating until we find the GOLD.
-Natalie Whitehead
Access Consciousness
Bars Practioner
Access Bars are 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, & considerations that stop you from creating a life you love. This technique is practiced in more than 100 countries by over 500,000 people worldwide.
Access Bars are used as a potent and pragmatic tool by families, wellness practitioners, schools, businesses, mental health professionals, athletes, prisons, veterans, artists, & many more.

4 year Bachelor's degree in Psychology
The University of Missouri St. Louis
Missouri State University
Student of metaphysics and universal laws for 20+ years
Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, cause, identity, time, and space.
Universal laws are principles by which everyone and everything in the Universe is governed.
Natalie credits the many teachings & teachers over the years that have taken her to her current level of consciousness & healing - with the following being her favorite, & with whom she “pulls from” in her private 1:1 sessions.
Some of whom she has had the pleasure of meeting in person!
-Louise Hay
-Deepak Chopra
-Dr. Wayne Dyer
-Dr. Joe Dispenza
-Marianne Williamson
-Bentinho Massaro
-Thich Nhat Hanh
-Ram Dass
-Michael A. Singer

Student of brain science and epigenetics for 20 plus years.
Brain science is the branch of neuroscience concerned with the brain.
Epigenetics is the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work.
Student & Facilitator of “A Course in Miracles” for nearly 10 years
"A Course of Miracles" a self-study system under the guidance of our inner teacher, the Holy Spirit, towards an awakening to oneself. Its emphasis is on the experience of healing our suffering, which is at its source a belief that we have separated from God and are in spiritual exile. Based of a book by Helen Schucman published in 1976.
Member of the local St. Louis Course in Miracles Council 2020 - 2022

Levels 1 & 2 Reiki Certification
Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation & reduces stress & anxiety through gentle touch. Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to your body, improving the flow & balance of your energy to support healing
Vaasi Yoga Breathwork
Vaasi Yoga Breathwork Meditation was invented & refined more than 15,000 years ago by observation, practice, & experience. Vaasi is a Sanskrit word meaning "to dwell or reside inside." It is an alternate nostril breathwork practice developed by Ancient Tamil scientists called Siddhas, or Rishis, in the Eastern & Western "Ghats" of Southern India. Siddhas were the first scientists, saints, doctors, & mystics all in one.
Vaasi Meditation focuses on the abundance of pranic energy in the space & body channels (nadi) through which the energy flows into our system. By cleansing the nadis, Vaasi allows life force energy (prana) to flow - healing the body, mind, & soul; connecting with the Source of cosmic energy, on the way to Self-Realization & enlightenment.
Natalie spent 2019 & 2020 studying under a Himalayan Indian Swami & was initiated into chakras 1-4 of Vaasi - which is known as the most advanced form of Pranayama deep breathing on the planet. She practiced every single day without fail for nearly 3 months until she felt a deep shift & profound healings within her & still practices when she feels inspired.

Certified Yoga Instructor through Yoga Alliance
Training & teaching experience meet Yoga Alliance requirements
200 hours of training to become a Registered Yoga Teacher
Natalie’s yoga background includes nearly 20 years of practice & training with the following styles: Vinyasa flow
Hot yoga
Foster & support the high-quality, safe, accessible & equitable teaching of yoga
Continued education with Yoga Alliance
20+ years working with therapists, coaches, mentors, and healers
​Natalie has worked with dozens of well-rounded & diverse guides over the years - helping her to awaken her to the Truth of who she really is & release all that kept her back from realizing the highest & best version of herself.
The most powerful shifts came when she spent nearly 2 years working to heal her wounded inner child - in very intense weekly group meetings & private 1:1 sessions with her coaches
She completed 2 programs with her experienced practitioners - Dr. Doug & Elicia Miller
The Core Emotional Healing program focuses on processing triggers, undoing & releasing unconscious-lifelong patterns, healing the inner child in new ways she had never experienced, going deeper into unresolved, unconscious, repressed traumas & emotions that were holding her back from her desired life
CEH Group Program: working with experienced and gifted practitioners to provide insight and encouragement to heal core wounds that hold you back from your desired life